The management of
difficult to heal wounds has always been a cause of concern for the treating
clinicians. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of patients
presenting with difficult to heal wounds. The conventional techniques have been
in use since a long time for the management of these wounds, yet desired
results are not achieved always. Thus a newer novel technique which might be
useful in the difficult to heal wounds and delivering at par or better results
as compared to the conventional techniques is the need of the hour. Despite
numerous advances, chronic and other difficult to manage wounds continue to be
a challenge for the clinicians. The relatively newer technique negative
pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is very promising and also
useful in the management of difficult to heal wounds.
The use of controlled
levels of negative pressure application has
been shown to accelerate debridement and promote healing in various types of
wounds. This optimum level of negative pressure appears to be around -125 mmHg
below ambient and there is evidence that this is most effective if applied in a
cyclical fashion. Earlier studies used more conventional methods such as a wall
suction apparatus or surgical vacuum bottles for creating the negative
pressure. However, there were
multiple problems present in the use of these conventional methods such as
non-regulated pressure, high protein loss, cross contamination from infected
patients, also the mobility of the patient was restricted.
Hence we introduced the
commercial system for promoting negative pressure wound therapy also known as
vacuum therapy, vacuum sealing or topical negative pressure therapy. This
equipment called CCNPWT Wound Management system
was designed to overcome the problems associated with conventional methods for
the creation of negative pressure. The heart of the system is a
microprocessor-controlled vacuum unit that is capable of providing controlled
levels of continuous or intermittent sub-atmospheric pressure ranging
-20mmHg to -220
NPWT is an efficacious & cost-effective
management approach for almost all wound etiology such as pressure ulcers,
trauma wounds, acute & chronic wounds, diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg
ulcers, burns, post-surgical wounds, pre & post-op flaps/grafts.
The principle of NPWT
involves extending the usually narrowly defined suction effect of drainage
across the entire area of the wound cavity or surface using an open-pore filler
that has been fitted to the contours of the wound. To prevent air from being
sucked in from the external environment, the wound and the filler that rests
inside or upon the wound are hermetically sealed with an airtight adhesive
polyurethane drape that is permeable to water vapour, transparent, and bacteria
proof. A connection pad is then applied over a small hole that has been made in
the drape and connected to a vacuum source by means of a tube (Fig 1).
Fig 1. Mechanism of
action of Negative pressure Wound Therapy
Two main theories
prevail regarding the mechanism of action of NPWT used in conjunction with
reticulated open cell foam:
- The
first is based on the theory that tissue strain caused by NPWT has a
stimulatory effect on cellular proliferation.
- This
theory is supported by the fact that tissues have been shown to undergo a
5-20% strain when subjected to NPWT.
- This
level of strain is assumed to proactively cause cell division and
- The
second theory is focused on the effects of NPWT on the mechanical removal of
extracellular fluid and oedema.
- By actively removing fluid at the wound bed it is felt
that the local micro-circulation is improved and secondary necrosis is
This hypothesis is supported by studies which have shown reduced need for debridement at the time of ‘second look’ for wounds treated with NPWT. It is also supported by in vivo studies using a porcine model which have demonstrated acceleration in capillary formation and increase in luminal area in wounds treated with NPWT
Fig 2. Dressing
application technique
NPWT acts in different
ways to promote wound healing. The wound is subject to suction pressure that is
propagated through the wound filler to the wound bed. This suction drains
exudate from the wound and creates a mechanical force in the wound edges that
result in an altered tissue perfusion, angiogenesis and the formation of
granulation tissue. Some of the mechanisms of action have been demonstrated
experimentally and clinically.
The effects of NPWT on open
wound can be summarised as follows:
- Reduction
of the wound area due to negative pressure acting on the foam, pulls
together the edges of the wound (wound retraction)
- Stimulation
of granulation tissue formation in an optimally moist wound environment; in
several situations even over brady trophic tissue such as tendons and bone
NPWT was able to stimulate granulation tissue formation
- Continuation
of effective mechanical wound cleansing (removal of small tissue debris by
- Effective
biochemical reduction of the fluid concentration of wound
healing-impairing proteases (such as elastase)—in the first days
- Reliable,
continuous removal of wound exudate (and, consequently, fewer dressing
changes) within a closed system
- Pressure-related
reduction of interstitial oedema with consecutive improvement of
microcirculation, stimulation of blood flow and oxygenation
- Hygienic
wound closure—bacteria proof wound dressing for sealing the wound so no
external bacteria can enter the wound and the patient’s own wound bacteria
are not spread.
- This
is particularly important in the event of contamination with problematic
bacteria, as in patients with meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA)-infected wounds. Thus,
- also
reduces the risk of cross-infections and development of resistance within
the hospital
- Transparent
dressing permits continuous clinical monitoring of the surrounding skin
through the film with which the wound has been sealed
- Odourless
and hygienic dressing technique; constant seeping through the dressing
onto the patient’s clothing and bedding can be avoided, reducing demands
on the nursing staff
- Reduction in the number of
required dressing changes (only necessary every two to three days), which
reduces nursing time requirements, particularly in patients with exudating
Patient comfort
• Easy and early patient
• Visually appealing
dressing method due to clean, exudate-free dressing conditions even during
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